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Question and Answer The Relationship between America and China

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Question and Answer


Question: On 16 December 2010, the media reported two matters for long-term consideration: the first being the visit of the Prime Minister of China to India with a large trade delegation, of around 300 business men. This visit has been accompanied with unusual warmth. The second matter is that of a trilateral deal between South Korea, China and Japan to establish a co-operative secretariat between the three countries. This is along with cooling of tensions between the two Koreas, with respect to mutual threat between the US and South Korea on one side and North Korea on the other, with tacit support from China to North Korea. What is the significant of these happenings?

 Answer: To answer this question, we review the following:

  • 1- Since the 1960s America has feared the emergence of China as a world power and has sought to restrict China's ambitions to regional matters. America has used a variety of issues to contain China's sphere of influence, and to keep her leadership preoccupied with parochial problems. America has persistently exploited the issue of Taiwan, North Korea, autonomy for Tibet, poor treatment of Chinese minorities (East Turkistan, Falun Gong etc.) and interference in bilateral disputes between China and Japan over islands as a means of lighting fires around China's borders. Additionally, America has a string of bases stretching from Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Pakistan to the Asian Pacific rim that includes the Korean peninsula, Japan.... The aim of these military bases is to ensnare China and prevent her from projecting military power.

  • 2- Notwithstanding efforts to curb China's military expansion, America has also aggressively sought to build India's civil and military capabilities to offset China. Speaking before a joint sitting of Indian parliament Obama said, "I stand before you today because I am convinced that the interests of the United States - and the interests we share with India - are best advanced in partnership...United States not only welcomes India as a global power. We fervently support it. Promoting shared prosperity, preserving peace and security, strengthening democratic governance and human rights - these are the responsibilities of leadership. As global partners this is the leadership United States and India can offer in the 21st century...With my visit, we are now ready to begin implementing our civil nuclear agreement...We need to forge partnerships in high-tech sectors like defense and civil space." (US supports India as global power, the Indian Online, Nov 8 2010). It is noteworthy that India on September 29th 2010 sent 4 personnel from the Indian army, air force and navy to train with the U.S.'s 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit at the latter's base in Okinawa in the East China Sea during 2010.

China has vigorously reacted to such military exercises. In late September China's Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo warned that, "A series of military drills initiated by the US and China's neighboring countries showed that the US wants to increase its military presence in Asia. The purpose of these military drills launched by the US is to target multiple countries including China, Russia and North Korea and to build up strategic ties with its allied countries like Japan and South Korea." (Global Times, September 26, 2010).

  • 3- A familiar pattern has prevailed ever since the six-party talks were instigated in 2003 to reign in North Korea's nuclear ambitions. This consists of America making certain demands during the six-party talks and when North Korea is close to meeting the demands, America reneges on its commitments. Furthermore, America has skillfully portrayed North Korea, with China as its main backer, as the guilty party during the fall out from the failed talks. For instance in 2007 the US announced that it would release $25million dollars of North Korea's frozen money, in return for Pyongyang to freeze its Yongbyon nuclear reactor and readmit IAEA inspectors. However, the US reneged on its promise and released the money very late, such that the transaction could not be completed on time. North Korea promptly withdrew from the six-party talks. Frustrated by numerous obstacles placed by the US, North Korea eventually withdrew from the talks in 2009 and adopted a more belligerent posture in an effort to restart negotiations on more favorable terms. The aggressive stance adopted by North Korea included expulsion of IAEA inspectors, announcing plans to resume enrichment, detonating a nuclear devise underground in May 2009, clashing with South Korea's Navy and the recent attack on a South Korean island.
  • 4- The American response via the deployment of aircraft carriers, military exercises and convening talks minus, China and North Korea, has been to pressurize China to take a more forceful stance against its surrogate state. Admiral Mike Mullen, US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, remarked on 8 December 2010 that he wished the Chinese would be more helpful, saying, "The Chinese have enormous influence over the North, influence that no other nation on earth enjoys. And yet, despite a shared interest in reducing tensions, they appear unwilling to use it," he said. It is interesting to note that in the immediate aftermath of the attack, China swiftly called for the resumption of the six-party talks, which was rejected by America. And lately, China has come out to publicly defend North Korea against America's intrusion in the region! This means that America wants to keep tensions raised and to present China and North Korea as if they were the source of tension and thus antagonize the countries of the region against them, but without reaching to the brink of war, because international and regional circumstances do not allow her to do so as America is busy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 5- In light of all this, we can say that the current Chinese measures, the signing of an accord by China Japan and South Korea on 16 December 2010 for establishing a tripartite cooperative secretariat in Seoul next year, as published by China on its network ( Xinhua News Agency or what was published in multiple media sources, including this site, regarding the Chinese Prime Minister's visit to India ... All of these measures are to undermine America's efforts to isolate China from its neighbors and portray China as the aggressive party. South Korea and Japan are most pro-American and any close tie between them and China undermines America's exploitation of them against China. Also, India has been, and continues to be, one of the weapons that America exploits to trigger permanent tension betweens India and China, founded upon perennial disputes between them. Therefore China's closeness to India is to extinguish the flames of tension that America is trying to maintain between China and India.

It is expected that China has scored a point in its favor in countering America. That is if China exploits its visit to India and its agreement with Japan and South Korea well. And also if she did not fall into a trap of deception sprung by Japan and South Korea but backed by America


Answer to Question International conflict in Ivory Coast

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What is going on in the Ivory Coast?..President Laurent Gbagbo has rjected this and regards himself as the winner as declared by the Constituinal Council and insists on remaining in authority. The armed forces have supported him. Is this electoral rivalry tribal in origin or religious? Or is it political rivalry, if so which are the parties involved? And what solution is to be expected in this electoral crisis?

  Press Release Sheikh Hasina herself and her government is the clear and present danger to national security and sovereignty

    On 20 December (2010), while addressing the convocation ceremony for graduates of the 12th National Defence Course and the 9th Armed Forces War Course 2010, Sheikh Hasina warned that tough steps will be taken against any forces putting the country's national security and sovereignty at stake. She said, ‘we will safeguard our independence even if it entails sacrificing our lives.' What a mockery?! This is the same Sheikh Hasina who, within a month of coming to power with the backing of her imperialist disbeliever-polytheist masters, collaborated in executing the long term Indian plot to destroy the defence forces of the country and the cold blooded killing of 57 army officers. In addition, she is protecting Indian trade and security interests by opening up country's ports and telecommunications to India, granting transit, handing over ULFA resistance leaders etc. Furthermore, in the past two years her government has allowed the US Asia and Pacific Command forces to freely conduct exercises and manoeuvres throughout the country, thus turning the country into a US military base.

Hizb ut-Tahrir wants to make it clear to Sheikh Hasina that no matter how many times she utters such lies she will not be able to conceal her treachery from the 150 million Muslims of the country. The party calls upon the people and the armed forces to work towards safeguarding the country, its people and defence system from the evil hands of the unpaid servant of US-India, Sheikh Mirzafor Hasina and her government; and re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate".


  Press Release Leaked cables reveal US-British-Indian plot against the country and the military

    The leaked cables published by Wikileaks reveals the US-British-Indian compromise towards the end of the ‘1/11 government' to shape the political landscape of Bangladesh, thus exposing their conspiracy against the country. Indeed in the cable revealing conversations at a meeting between a joint secretary at Indian ministry of external affairs, Mohan Kumar, the political counsellor at the US embassy in Delhi, Ted Osius and the British High Commission's political counsellor in Delhi, Alex Hall, the latter (Alex Hall) is reported as saying "that any coordination needed to remain invisible to the Bangladeshi public in order to avoid the perception of some sort of conspiracy"! According to the cable the three men discussed that their respective countries should agree on ‘a core message' to take to the caretaker government, pressing for elections and making clear the military needs to stay out of politics. Mohan Kumar also sought cooperation of US and Britain to pressure Bangladesh to open up its economy and trade to India.  

Regarding the cable accusing the military intelligence agency, DGFI of supporting Harkat ul-Jihad, it can be compared with other similar propaganda around the globe against Islam by the real terrorist America and no doubt we will now see her local secularist agents rush to using this piece of information to further malign the Muslim Army. As for the other cable revealing US plans for carrying out extensive spying and surveillance upon Bangladeshi personnel in UN missions, this is nothing but a slap on the face of the military of the country. On the one hand she uses our military for her evil purposes under the guise of UN peacekeeping while on the other hand she conspires against them. 

O Muslims!

Look at how your enemies conspire against you, sitting in Delhi, and the current rulers conform to their ‘core message'. And look at how the Hasina government has now opened up the economy to India granting her access to all sectors from land and sea ports to telecommunications. Indeed the Awami League, BNP and the entire ruling regime is subservient to the imperialists. They lack the strength and courage to stand up to your enemies. Hizb ut-Tahrir calls you towards working for establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" state to free the country of imperialist domination and end the rule of their slavish agents.  

O People of Power!

The imperialists never mean a word of what they promise of assistance and cooperation. If they are spying on you in Africa in such extensive manner, then consider the extent of their malicious plans when they conduct their military exercises here in Bangladesh! The imperialists' aim is only to achieve their evil goal of establishing domination over you and over the Muslims of the country. And the country's rulers are facilitating this by sending you to UN missions and instructing to participate in the military exercises.

Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon you to give your nusrah (support) to the party to remove these agent rulers and establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" state which will free the people of the country from the clutches of the disbelieving and polytheist states. The Khilafah "Caliphate" will bar the murderous army of crusader America from entering our land to spy and gather information on you. The Khilafah "Caliphate" will strengthen your weaponry and capabilities to restore your position as the great Islamic Army carrying Islam's message of guidance and mercy to mankind unlike the present when you are made to keep the peace for the purposes of America and the imperialists.  ighHihh

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh


After Sweden bombing, British media targets ‘radical views' in an echo of McCarthyism 

For understandable reasons, the airwaves have been full of news of the bomb that killed one, and injured two people in Sweden last weekend.It has being alleged that a Muslim from Sweden who lived and studied in the UK was responsible, and that he cited Sweden's role in the insulting cartoons of the Prophet (saw) episode and its role in occupying Afghanistan as reasons for his actions.


Privatization of the Educational Institutions, Class Based Education System and Secular Syllabus - The Colonial Method to Produce Slavish Mentality

Protests by students and the teachers against the Punjab government's decision to privatize the educational institutions by granting sovereignty and increasing fees continue. In response, Punjab government has resorted to baton charge, tear gas, arrests and other tactics. However, the deep enlightened view clearly manifests that the Pakistan educational system is decayed and rotten and a direct result of the enslaving colonial policies.


Answer to Question Lisbon Summit and NATO

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Is the United States serious  on the subject of withdrawing from Afghanistan? What does it aim through the missile defence shield? Why does it want to entend NATO's authority? What is Russia's stance on all of this? Is the US in a position to dictate what it wishes to these countries? Can it strengthen its global standing?

Press Release

The Central Media Office (CMO) held a press conference at The Bristol Hotel-Beirut , The party's media representatives addressed several political issues: Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This press conference comes as follow up to the media conference held in Beirut last July 2010 under the title" Hizb ut Tahrir perspective on important regional and international political issues".

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