Sunday, 24 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 | 2024/06/30
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CMO Women's Section

The Nuseirat Massacre Exposes the Religion of Kufr And Exposes the United States’ Sponsorship and Support for the Criminal Entity

On 8 June 2024, the Jewish entity committed a horrific massacre in the Nuseirat camp in the Gaza Strip with American assistance under the pretext of “rescuing 4 detainees” held by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and liberating them from its hands...

Gaza has More Rubble than Ukraine, and our Sisters and Children are the Majority of the Dead Buried Under It

The UN Women issued a report in April 2024, regarding the status of women and children in Gaza. Six months into the war, over 10,000 women have been killed, among them an estimated 6,000 mothers, leaving 19,000 children orphaned. Al Jazeera estimates that 25,000 women and children have been killed.
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