بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan:
Welcoming Reception of Sheikh Saeed Radwan from Prison
Sheikh Saeed Radwan (Abu Imad), member of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan was released from the prisons of the oppressors in Jordan after spending 3 years in injustice and aggression.
Friday, 21 Rabi 'Al Thani 1440 AH - 28 December 2018 CE
Glimpses from the Welcoming Reception
Speech by Sheikh Abu Ali az-Ziyadi
Speech by Ustaadh Ismael Umair
Speech by Sheikh Abu Salem bani Sakhr
Speech by the honorable Sheikh Saeed Radwan (Abu Imad)
Tribe of Bani Awwad host a dinner in honor of Sheikh Saeed Radwan after spending 3 years in injustice and aggression
Poem: O My Nation, Break away from the shackles and go free
by Sheikh Abu Salem Al - Sakhri
Delivered at a dinner honoring Sheikh Saeed Radwan (Abu Imad)
On the occasion of his release from prison 3 years unfairly and aggressively
Poem: How can we not grieve?
by Sheikh Abu Salem Al - Sakhri
Delivered at a dinner honoring Sheikh Saeed Radwan (Abu Imad)
On the occasion of his release from prison 3 years unfairly and aggressively