بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan
News Commentary produced by the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan.
For real change.. I reject democracy.. Establish the Rightly-Guided Khilafah.
O Allah, restore our shield, the Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly-Guided Caliphate) on the method of the Prophethood... O Allah, Ameen.
The Case of Ukraine Exposes the Danger of Military Colonialism
On 3 March 2025, Trump paused all U.S. military aid to Ukraine after a heated clash with its president, Zelensky. America burned Ukraine in a war with Russia, to weaken Europe and Russia. It now wants control over the mineral wealth of Ukraine, and to prevent a bloc between Russia and China. Military colonialism harms the peoples of the world to secure the interests of colonialists. The Messenger ﷺ forbade Muslims from seeking assistance (isti’aanah) from kafir states, since he forbade seeking light from the fire of the mushrikeen, as he said,
[لاَ تَسْـتَضِـيئُوا بـِنَارِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ]
“Do not seek light from the fire of the mushrikeen.” [Narrated by Ahmad]. Fire is a kinayah (metonym) for war. The Ummah and its armies must ensure liberation (tahrir) from military colonialism by establishing the Khilafah Rashidah.
Saturday, 06 Shaban 1446 AH - 06 February 2025 CE
The Khilafah Rashidah Alone Unifies the Muslims of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Central Asia Under One Khaleefah
On 5 March 2025, Trump revealed that the person responsible for killing thirteen US service members in 2021 had been arrested, saying, “he is on his way here to face the swift sword of American justice... I want to thank especially the government of Pakistan.” What justice is Trump speaking of? America is incapable of justice, and bends and breaks laws to secure its interests. As for the rulers of Pakistan, they make a mockery of national sovereignty, acting as bounty hunters for Washington. The Islamic Ummah must take matters into its hands by establishing the Khilafah Rashidah. The Khilafah ensures justice and security, by ruling by all that Allah ﷻ has revealed. The Khilafah unifies the Muslims as one brotherhood, ending wars of Fitnah caused by nationalism and tribalism.
Friday, 07 Shaban 1446 AH - 07 February 2025 CE
Let the Islamic Ummah and Its Armies Make the Pharoah of Washington Eat the Dirt of Defeat
On 5 March Trump said, “This is your last warning! For the leadership, now is the time to leave Gaza, while you still have a chance.” This tyrant, obsessed with his own arrogance, does not comprehend what he is saying. His arrogance has blinded him and deprived him of reason. He has forgotten or chosen to ignore the fate of those who came before him. He was preceded in his tyranny by the emperors of Persia and Rome. However, the dominions of Persia and Rome became nothing but a memory under the strikes of the army of the Khilafah. O Muslims! The Pharoah of Washington awaits your reply. Mobilize your armies, uproot his agents within your lands, establish your Khilafah state and make him eat the dirt of defeat.
Saturday, 08 Ramadan 1446 AH - 08 March 2025 CE
The Khilafah Rashidah Does Not Throw Out Muslims Whilst Declaring Them Foreigners
The government of Pakistan has decided to deport all Afghan Citizenship Card (ACC) holders from the country by 31 March 2025. Of course, this decision is a reflection of secular nationalism, which has divided the Ummah. Through such nationalistic stances, the rulers of Pakistan, who are agents to Trump, the Pharaoh of Washington, want to keep the government of Afghanistan under pressure, for the sake of the interests of the United States. The thought of a geographical homeland and nationalism originated in Europe and was then used by the kafir colonialists to break up the Ottoman Khilafah, and later to further fragment the Muslim world. The Khilafah Rashidah will unify the Muslim world as a domestic policy, and as a strong force will collide with the Trump nationalistic world order to tear it down.
Sunday, 09 Ramadan 1446 AH - 09 March 2025 CE
It is Cruelty to Prevent Armies from Mobilization in Support of Gaza During Ramadan
On 8 March 2025, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister rejected the Zionist entity’s preventing of humanitarian aid saying, “Such cruelty during the holy month of Ramadan is highly condemnable. Blocking aid is a war crime.” What of the cruelty and preventing of the rulers of Muslims in Ramadan?! The rulers prevent the mobilization of the armed forces of Muslims in support of Gaza. This cruelty of the rulers now continues into a second Ramadan, the month of victories against our enemies. The rulers of the Muslims are agents of the kuffar. The Ummah must order its armies to remove the rulers, and establish the ruling by all that Allah ﷻ has revealed. The Muslims must order all their friends and relatives in the armed forces until this is achieved.
Monday, 10 Ramadan 1446 AH - 10 March 2025 CE
The Zionist Entity Works to Deny Gaza Water in Order to Secure Dominance
On 9 March 2025, the Zionist entity halted electricity supplies to Gaza where even the desalination plants for producing drinking water depend on electricity. After failing to achieve dominance through relentless bombings and the starvation brought by sieges and blockades, the Zionist entity now targets the Muslims of Gaza by planning to induce a devastating water crisis. O sincere officers of the Ummah, how can you witness the suffering of women, children and elderly and remain idle? The Jewish entity is weak and fragile, like the web of a spider. It is only due to your inaction that it feels emboldened. So mobilize for the liberation (tahrir) of your brethren, and uproot this occupation once and for all.
Tuesday, 11 Ramadan 1446 AH - 11 March 2025 CE
Pakistan Needs Liberation from Political Colonialism for a Better Future
On 10 March 2025, the Prime Minister of Pakistan said the federation, provinces and all the political parties should work together to create a better future for the country. Whilst the political leaderships of Muslims implement laws based on the desires of human beings, there is only misery and humiliation for the Muslim World. Allah ﷻ said,
[وَأَنْ احْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ بِمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ وَلاَ تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ]
“Rule between them by all that Allah has revealed. Do not follow their desires. Beware of them lest they tempt you away from even part of all that Allah has revealed to you.” [TMQ Surah al-Maida 5:49]. The Ummah and its armies must ensure the liberation (tahrir) of the Muslim World from political colonialism by restoring the ruling by all that Allah ﷻ has revealed.
Wednesday, 12 Ramadan 1446 AH - 12 March 2025 CE