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In the Name of Allah, The Gracious, The Merciful Deliberation, not Sensationalism or Emotion, needed in Afghanistan Debate

    Sydney, Australia, 23rd October 2010 - The Herald Sun this morning carries a impudently sensationalist report ('Muslim Leader Uthman Badar calls Aussie troops terrorists', Mark Dunn) about Hizb ut Tahrir Australia's commentary on the parliamentary debate about Australia's involvement in Afghanistan as expressed in a media release issued yesterday by Hizb ut Tahrir Australia ('Debate on Afghanistan War too little too late').


 Iran Supports US-created regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Two days after the New York Times reported that the Karzai government received funds from Iran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, confirmed that Iran had "offered great help ... to facilitate the stabilization of Afghanistan". The funds received by the Afghan President from Iran were said to be used ‘to buy off the loyalty of politicians, members of parliament, Afghan tribal elders and to sway some members of the Taliban'.


Answer to Question Married Couples and their Parents and In-Laws

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Each of the partners insists that it is his or her right or that it is his or her obligation, and they persist in their own opinion in the belief that each of them claims to be correct and rightful in accordance with the Shariah laws and refuses to budge from his position and make amends...

What would be the advice, especially to those who are engaged in the da'wah work?


Headline news for  28-10-2010

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Bank of England  governor:  Imbalances could trigger 1930s-style world-wide  economic collapse

US calls on Turkey to back NATO missile defense plans

UK can no longer mount military operations like Iraq invasion

Canada loses UAE military base in tit-for tat spat

Obama the crusading warmonger to visit Pakistan in 2011

News Details:

Bank of England  governor:  Imbalances could trigger 1930s-style world-wide  economic collapse
The world is facing a dangerous trade war which could spark a 1930s-style collapse unless policymakers can agree a common path on managing currencies and demand imbalances, Bank of England Mervyn King said on Tuesday. Speaking days before a meeting of G20 policymakers in Korea, King called for a "grand bargain" between major economies on exchange rates, rules for capital flows and realigning domestic demand to put the recovering global economy on a surer footing. King, the first G7 policymaker to so explicitly raise the prospect of a trade war since a row over global imbalances erupted this month, said "major surplus and deficit countries are pursuing economic strategies that are in direct conflict"."The need to act in the collective interest has yet to be recognized, and, unless it is, it will be only a matter of time before one or more countries resort to trade protectionism as the only domestic instrument to support a necessary rebalancing," King said in a speech in central England. "That could, as it did in the 1930s, lead to a disastrous collapse in activity around the world. Every country would suffer ruinous consequences -- including our own."

US calls on Turkey to back NATO missile defense plans
The United States called on Turkey on Monday to back NATO's proposed missile defense system and take steps to counter growing resistance in the U.S. Congress to any future sale of drone aircraft.  A long-time NATO member that aspires to join the European Union, Turkey must decide at a NATO summit in Lisbon next month whether to support a missile defense system that it fears could be seen as a program aimed against Iran -- a neighboring Islamic state which has deepened its ties with Ankara. Turkey earlier on Monday expressed some reservations about the system, saying it wanted more technical details and adding that it should not be presented as a defense against Iran. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, speaking at an event in Washington on U.S.-Turkey relations, acknowledged ongoing talks with Ankara about Turkey's potential "technical and operational contributions" to a missile shield.  Still, Gates rejected media reports that Washington was pressuring Ankara to take part in the system; amid speculation Turkey might host an installation known as an X-Band radar. "Contrary to some press reports, we are not pressuring Turkey to make a contribution," Gates said, addressing a conference on U.S.-Turkish relations in Washington.

UK can no longer mount military operations like Iraq invasion
The government has decided that Britain will no longer be able to mount military operations on the scale of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the deployment in Afghanistan's Helmand province, it emerged on Tuesday as David Cameron unveiled the details of the strategic defense and security review. The prime minister insisted that the coalition was protecting Britain's future security today as he confirmed cuts to the armed forces as part of an 8% real-terms fall in the defense budget by 2015. But it emerged that the planned cuts to military personnel mean that the largest overseas deployment over the next decade will consist of 30,000 troops - two thirds of the number of British troops that took part in the invasion of Iraq. This suggests that Britain will also no longer be able to sustain the sort of long-term campaign it is fighting in Helmand when combat British troops end their mission in Afghanistan in 2015. A future "enduring stabilization operation" will consist of 6,500 troops - lower than the numbers currently in Afghanistan. The prime minister, who announced that the army will be cut to 95,000 by 2015, said that Britain should focus more attention on the causes of conflict to reduce the high costs of "just dealing with the consequences" of failed states.

Canada loses UAE military base in tit-for tat spat
Canadian troops will be pulling out early from an important military base in the United Arab Emirates after failing to reach an agreement with the government there for its continued use.  Camp Mirage in Dubai has been a staging ground for the Canadian Forces mission in Afghanistan but it's also become a pawn in a dispute over access to Canada's airspace. The UAE has been lobbying Ottawa to get additional landing rights for its two major commercial airlines and it's previously been reported that there is a link between those efforts and Canada's lease for the Middle East military base. Its existence is supposed to be kept under wraps for national security reasons, but Camp Mirage is a poorly kept secret.  Government officials would not confirm the end of Canada's lease agreement with the UAE, saying they don't comment on operational matters, but sources said the options to renew it were too expensive and not in Canada's interest.  Simultaneously, the UAE government issued a statement Thursday indicating negotiations over expanding the number of flights to Canada have broken down.

Obama the crusading warmonger to visit Pakistan in 2011
Pakistan on Wednesday praised US President Barack Obama for saying he would visit the country next year, calling it a sign of commitment between the troubled war partners. Obama, meeting with a senior Pakistani delegation, said he would not visit when he travels to neighboring India next month. But he committed to visiting Pakistan in 2011 and invited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari to Washington. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, speaking afterward at the Brookings Institution think-tank, called his meeting with Obama "very satisfying.""The fact that he has agreed to visit Pakistan next year, the fact that he has decided to invite the president of Pakistan to the United States of America, that is the level of engagement that is taking place," Qureshi said.The United States has played a delicate balancing act, seeking to show Pakistan it seeks a relationship beyond cooperation on Afghanistan while also trying to broaden its ties with India. But Qureshi acknowledged "obviously there are concerns" that remain between Pakistan and the United States. In a recent report to Congress, the White House said bluntly that, though it had made sacrifices in the US anti-terror campaign, Pakistan could do more to crack down on extremist safe-havens in lawless tribal areas.


  More assimilation, more increase in Muslim prison population

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    A few years ago, a colleague and I met a journalist who had just returned from living in the Middle East and who was quite amazed at the hysterical media reporting about Muslims in the UK. They wanted to understand the issues affecting the Muslim community. "Why is there a higher proportion of Muslims in prison compared to the number of Muslims in the wider UK population?" they asked. That got me thinking. Indeed, why are Muslims 3% of the UK population but 11% of the UK prison population?

I was reminded of that conversation recently as last week's newspapers reported three horrific crimes committed by some Muslims. A Muslim boy repeatedly stabbed and murdered his former girlfriend after she had broken up their relationship. Another befriended two well-to-do pensioners then murdered them because he wanted to steal their money to pay off his debts and in another horrific case two young boys murdered a shop keeper as they stole sweets, cash, cigarettes and alcohol. Subhanallah!

What values lead these Muslims to commit such horrendous crimes? What will happen if more Muslims assimilate and embrace some of the Western values that David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and others continuously lecture us about?

Since 1993, the number of Muslim prisoners has risen threefold and Muslim prisoners constitute an increasing proportion of the prison population. The sad reality is that like many in the wider population, most Muslims end up in jail because of involvement in petty crimes, drugs, alcohol and violent offences. How did our community get here?

Parents were law abiding citizens

The first generation of Muslims who arrived in the West in the 1950s and 60s came with Islamic views and practices different to those in the society. An example is the Islamic believe in marriage as the only valid framework for intimate relationships between men and women, as opposed to cohabitation or having boyfriends and girlfriends.

They also came with Islamic values including a belief in abiding by the Creator's commands in our daily lives as opposed to the wider society's ‘freedom' to live as you like. Muslims believe in accountability to the All Aware Creator and that when if commits a crime, even if they are not caught or punished in this life, there is no evading accountability by the Creator in the next life.

"Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that believer who has At-Taqwa  [consciousness of Allah]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware" [TMQ Surah 49:13]

This idea forms a powerful deterrent against vile, unruly and violent behaviour and that is why many of the first generation of Muslims turned out to be amongst the most respectful and law-abiding members of society.

Western values and crime

As their children grew up with a constant diet of ‘freedom' and ‘life is about what makes you happy', it was inevitable that some forgot this concept of accountability to Allah (swt) and simply sought material pleasures at any cost. After all, a popular mantra in the west says ‘you only live once, enjoy life to the max'. So we started to witness an increase in the number of Muslims committing the type of crimes prevalent in the wider society. In terms of values, these Muslims have embraced the culture of freedom, disrespect for elders and authority, and licentiousness which are some of the prevalent values in the West.

More assimilation, more problems

As a more aggressive assimilation agenda sweeps across Europe, more and more strident voices are demanding that Muslims must embrace western values. Muslims should challenge these voices by highlighting the consequences of some of these values in the wider society. Neglect of the elderly, the degrading objectification of women for profit, high levels of crime and reoffending, and increasing drug and alcohol abuse by ever younger children are just a few effects of the freedom, licentiousness and ‘do whatever makes you happy' culture that even some in the West are starting to question.

So the more Muslims succumb to this intimidation and demands to give up some of our Islamic beliefs in order to be accepted, the more we will see Muslim families being afflicted by the same problems that are prevalent in society. The more we let go of our values of modesty, abiding by Allah's (swt) shariah, respect for elders, accountability to Allah (swt) and other Islamic concepts, the more we will see some Muslims involvement in committing heinous crimes against other members of society and a consequent contribution to the ever rising prison population.

In a recent report, Anne Owers the Chief Inspector of prisons wrote that "Many Muslim prisoners also stressed the positive and rehabilitative role that Islam played in their lives, and the calm that religious observance could induce in a stressed prison environment". So for some in prison, it is actually a discovery of Islam that helps them to start living a crime free life which is why 30% of the Muslim inmates are said to be converts.

As ambassadors of Islam, we Muslims need to stand for Islam, stand by our noble Islamic values, teach them to our children, reinforce them in our Mosques, madrasas, schools and other institutions and discuss them with the wider society, especially when some demand  that we leave them. One result will be that non-Muslim teachers and the elderly will marvel at the respect afforded them by Muslim students and youngsters who embody these values, Muslim families will be seen as strong, loving and united, and Muslims will end up being under represented in the prison population. And we should also be at the forefront of challenging those western values which are wrecking havoc with the lives of people in the west and in the east.

Taji Mustafa

Media Representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain

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