Monday, 28 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/02
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  The Answer to the Question: The One Who Eats Ribaa (Usury) To Adi Victoria

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Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, We love our leader. If you permit I would like to ask about the one who commits the act of Ribaa (usury) and if he will be in the fires of Hell forever? It relates to the Tafseer of Aayah 275 as found in the book At-Tayseer Fee Usool At-Tafseer. Thank you Brother. My name is Adi Victoria from the Indonesian town of Samarinda. Answer: Wa Alaikumu…

The Answer to the Question: The meaning of the Hadeeth: «إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا» "Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the head of every one hundred years someone wh

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Question: Baraakallahu Bika our Sheikh and may Allah hasten the victory at your hands and may Allah benefit us with your knowledge. From amongst the well-known Saheeh Ahaadeeth that was related by the noble Sahaabah Abu Hurairah (ra) from the Messenger of Allah (saw) that he said: { إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا} "Verily Allah sends to this Ummah at the…

Question and Answer The Continuing Protests in Turkey  

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Question: The protests are still continuing in Turkey, but not with the momentum as the first days of 31/5/2013 in Taksim square in Gazi Garden. People were protesting against the uprooting of the park's trees, executing government plans to transform the barracks to the Ottoman era into a commercial and residential area, so protests ensued the next day not less than 67 cities. The clashes took place between protesters and…

The Departure of the Caravan of Hizb ut Tahrir The Blessed Light that originated from Masjid al Aqsa

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This is the forgotten call that has reemerged. Alhamdulillah, with the will of Allah (swt), the flag bearers of the call for Khilafah are those who have the ability to run this state. They are the people who have not found many supporters, even among their close ones, and yet even their enemy acknowledges their steadfastness and perseverance. And now the time has come for the sun of Khilafah to…

Question & Answer: The International Reality Concerning Ukraine

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Question: It is known that Janukowytsch is Russia's man and he is currently the Ukrainian president. So naturally he is directed towards Russia, but it is noticeable that his standpoints towards Europe and the U.S. are soft. Does that mean he is turning away from Russia towards the West or is this in agreement with Russia to maintain his power against the interference and pressure Janukowytsch is exposed to? Answer:…

  The Answer to the Question: The seeking of the Nusrah (support to establish the rule) To Okab Alhak

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Question: Assalamu Alaikum, It is mentioned in the book, Structuring of a Party (At-Takattul), about the reaching of the rule by way of the Ummah and the actions associated with seeking the Nusrah. Is seeking Nusrah part of the interaction stage or is it from the stage of reaching the rule? Please clarify and provide detail as before. Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakaatuhu, Seeking the support to…

The Answer to the Question: The refusal of Hizb ut Tahrir and its Ameer to answer criticism and make corrections To Muafa Abu Haura

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Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, Is it true what has spread in Indonesia that Hizb ut Tahrir and its Ameer refuse to hear criticism, are not open to making corrections and engage in discussions of knowledge, to the point where it is said: "If you want to change Hizb ut Tahrir then it is necessary to become its Ameer first!!" We want to engage in discussions in a variety of…

The Answer to the Question: The Inadmissibility of Relying upon Astronomical Calculations to Confirm the Start of the Month To Omair Mohd

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Question: As-Salaamu Alaikum, I have read a question and answer about the inadmissibility of relying upon astronomical calculations to confirm the start of the month and Baarakallahu Feekum. However one point remains that I would like to be explained. It is that some have taken the use of astronomical calculations to negate the validity of a moon sighting meaning that if the correct calculation states that the Hilaal (new moon)…
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