بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
حزب التحریر / ولایہ ترکی:
بین الاقوامی القدس کانفرنس 1442 ھ - 2021 عیسوی
International Al-Quds Conference 1442 AH - 2021 CE
In light of the prevailing atmosphere on the Blessed Land - Palestine from the ongoing assaults of the usurping Jewish entity on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and its siege and bombings that has persisted for the past 15 years on the Gaza Strip, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey organized an online conference entitled: "International Jerusalem Conference"
A panel of distinguised intellectuals, academics and journalists from Turkey lectured, including Sheikh Issam Ameira (Abu Abdullah) from the Blessed Land - Palestine and the distinguised Ustaadh Ahmed Al-Qasas from the Blessed Land (Lebanon).
Wednesday, 07 Shawal 1442 AH - 19 May 2021 CE
Date: 19 May 2021
Time: 20:30 (Local Time in Turkey)
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