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Media Office
Wilayah Pakistan

H.  1 Muharram 1360 No: PR15088
M.  Friday, 11 December 2015

 Press Release
Heart of Asia Conference
Peace can only be Achieved in the Heart of Asia by Eliminating American Presence

Pakistan and Afghanistan on 9th December 2015 jointly organized the “Heart of Asia” conference in Islamabad. A number of countries from South Asia, Central Asia, Gulf and Europe attended the conference including America and China as well. Apparently the objective of this conference is to establish peace in Afghanistan by bringing together the efforts of its neighboring countries and America. However, in reality, it is meant to fortify the colonialist American presence and eliminate resistance against it in Afghanistan.

It is a historical fact that wherever colonialists went, which includes America as well, that region was plunged into bloodshed and blood continued to spill until they were kicked out of that region. The Muslims of Afghanistan in the past defeated the British colonialists and the Soviet Union, forcing them to run away like mad dogs. This time as well the bravery and sacrifices of the Afghan Muslims almost compelled America and Nato troops to leave Afghanistan. However, America wants the survival of her puppet regime in Kabul, so that she can guard her interests in the region. In order to achieve this objective, America is streamlining the efforts of the neighboring countries using means such as the “Heart of Asia” conference. To obtain this goal the role of traitors in the political and military leadership of Pakistan has been set. Through the Operation Zarb-i-Azab in the tribal areas and the National Action Plan all over the country, they seek to force sincere Mujahideen to accept the American conceived political solution for so-called Afghan peace, which will eventually end up in strengthening the American presence in Afghanistan, the heart of Asia.

The American presence is like a dagger stabbed in the heart of Asia, Afghanistan, and until it is not pulled out, the whole region will suffer its pain and continue to witness the spilling of blood. Certainly, Pakistan and Afghanistan have a common enemy, which is America. So it is necessary that the Pakistan Army, Afghan National Army and sincere mujahideen all merge their ranks to establish a joint effort to kick out America and bring back peace to this region. However, in the presence of traitors in the leadership of Pakistan and Afghanistan this objective cannot be achieved nor can the annexation of these two Muslim Lands. Therefore it is the duty of the sincere officers in Pakistan armed forces that to provide Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir for establishing Khilafah "Caliphate" upon the method of the Prophethood. Only then will the Khaleefah put together Muslim armies and mujahedeen to cleanse the heart of Asia from the American presence.

[وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّىٰ لاَ تَكُونَ فِتْنَةٌ وَيَكُونَ ٱلدِّينُ للَّهِ]

“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah and Allah’s deen prevails Alone.” [Al-Baqarah: 193]

Shahzad Shaikh
Deputy to the Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Pakistan

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