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Media Office
Wilayah Pakistan

H.  15 Jumada II 1434 No: PN13045
M.  Thursday, 25 April 2013

Press Release
Abolish Democracy, Establish Khilafah
Is Democracy's Next Revenge Kayani's Further Promotion?

It is no surprise to Hizb ut Tahrir that it was General Kayani and not President Zardari that met with President Karzai at the NATO Conference in Brussels on 24 April. General Kayani is the actual ruler of Pakistan with democracy, "the best revenge," as a screen to hide his hands holding the reigns of power. Moreover, Kayani personally needs to ensure that his American masters establish a permanent presence in Afghanistan, under the cover of a limited and partial withdrawal, so he will not delegate this dirty job to Zardari.

It will also be no surprise to Hizb ut Tahrir if General Kayani achieves a further promotion for his loyal service to America. Say, a promotion as a five star general, becoming Chief of Defence Staff, but only after making sure that the post he vacates, the Chief of Army Staff, has been reduced to a weak, almost ceremonial post. And why would America not reward Kayani, whose rap sheet of crimes against this Ummah is as least as long as Musharraf's? Indeed, Kayani played a key role from the beginning of America's war, first as Musharraf's right hand man, serving as Corps X Commander, as well as DGMO and DG ISI, and now as Chief of Army Staff. Kayani's collaboration allowed the ensnaring of our armed forces in the tribal areas, laying the basis for attacks on our sovereignty such as the Abbotabad operation, allowing the existence of a Raymond Davis network to orchestrate target killings and bombings, establishing and protecting the NATO supply line, establishing an American Raj in the country by means of democracy, allowing America to threaten our nuclear assets, ensuring a blood bath in Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa and burying the Kashmir cause.

If democracy was capable of justice, it would have Kayani arrested, tried and confined to the dungeons that presently house capable politicians like Naveed Butt and heroic officers like Brigadier Ali. But democracy is not capable of anything but rejection of Islam and its commands. This is why the Viceroy of Pakistan, the US Ambassador said with confidence that "Democracy is our horse in Pakistan." So Hizb ut Tahrir asks the election candidates for the throne of shame, Democracy, which of you wants to win the prize of delivering Democracy's next revenge against Pakistan, Muslims and Islam, Kayani's promotion? Is it not high time that you called for the abolition of democracy and the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate"?

And as final words for Kayani himself, if you have any sense you would learn the lesson of your mentor Musharraf. America will throw you on the side of the street as soon as it has no use of you, even if you piled skulls and bones of Muslims high into the sky through fighting America's crusade. Do not believe that the Ummah will ever forget your crimes after the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established, thought the least of your repentance would be to make way for the sincere officers to give the Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir for the immediate resumption of Islam as a way of life, through its Khilafah "Caliphate". And do not deceive yourself that you have much time left to make this repentance, for you will be seized soon inshaaAllah from where you did not expect, InshaaAllah.  Allah (swt) said,

[وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ يَنْقَلِبُونَ]

"The oppressors will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned." [Surah Ash-Sharaa 26:227]

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