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Media Office
Wilayah Pakistan

H.  12 Jumada II 1434 No: PN13044
M.  Monday, 22 April 2013

Press Release
Hizb ut Tahrir Released Its Policy regarding Tending to People's Affairs Khilafah will Ensure the Rights of Every Citizen

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan has issued a Publicized Policy Position (PPP) regarding looking after the affairs of the people. It outlines how democracy is far from a system for the people, as it is claimed. Democracy does not even look after the majority of the people. Democracy is in fact designed to secure the interests of the few elite. It further shows how in the Khilafah "Caliphate", because Allah (swt) Alone is sovereign, no human-being, ruler or otherwise, can usurp the rights of others and then make a law to legalize their oppression.

So, thanks to democracy, the traitors within the military and political leadership amass huge wealth during their tenures, as well as plunging Pakistan into economic misery and foreign policy humiliation for the sake of their Western masters. This is how it is from the beginning, through the regimes of Musharraf-Aziz and Kayani-Zardari and this is how it will be, onwards through any new regime, as long as democracy remains in Pakistan. It is nonsense to say that democracy should be given time to do its job, because in fact it is already doing its job, which is securing a few elite, whilst depriving the masses. It is wishful thinking for hoping for any change through this system, even if another dozen elections took place.

Only once democracy is abolished, will checks and balances will have value. Otherwise these checks and balances are only for securing the rights of the elite to oppress the people more and more. As for checks and balances in the Khilafah "Caliphate", they all ensure that Sovereignty is for Allah (swt) alone. Islam puts the essential duty of accountability on the Ummah; the Ummah is the first and last check to protect the Islamic State. The Ummah supports the Khaleefah, but if he strays from Islam the Ummah should account him, and if he openly abandons Islam he should be confronted and removed.

Note: To see the complete policy and relevant articles of the constitution for the Khilafah "Caliphate" state, please go to this web link.

The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah of Pakistan

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Wilayah Pakistan
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