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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Wilayah Pakistan: Our Shield!

Clearly, Our Shield, the Khilafah, Alone Will Respond to the Cries of the Persecuted, Maimed and Martyred in Occupied Kashmir
Indeed, the international community is dominated by the colonialist powers that have always ensured the division and occupation of Muslim Lands themselves, or assisted others in doing so.
Appealing to the international community is akin to asking the wolf to protect the sheep.
O Muslims of Pakistan! Clearly, the rulers of Muslims are far apart from us in our sentiments, demands and aspirations.
Pakistan’s rulers remain on the same page as the colonialists in their plans to allow the occupation and division of Muslim Lands.
More than ever before, it is clear that the Khilafah, the shield of the Ummah, alone will respond to Modi’s flagrant war in Occupied Kashmir with the fire and steel it deserves.
So let us all strive for the restoration of the ruling by all that Allah (swt) has revealed.
And let our lions of Pakistan’s armed forces grant the Nussrah (Material Support) for the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of the Prophethood, so that they are finally led as they deserve to be led, in the pursuit of victory or martyrdom.

Saturday, 14 Muharram 1441 AH - 13 September 2019 CE
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