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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


 Saudi Arabia and Uranium


Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Monday that his country intends to make financial profits from all minerals, including the sale of uranium.

He added during a conference in the city of Dhahran that the Kingdom will enrich uranium, sell it, and produce what is known as Yellowcake, referring to a concentrated powder of uranium free of impurities used in making uranium fuel for nuclear reactors. (Sky News Arabia)


I would like to start with a question: Is there anyone more in need of enriched uranium than Muslims?
The Saudi Energy Minister declares that his country intends to make financial profits from all minerals, including the sale of uranium as if the vital issue for Muslims is the lack of money!

The vital issue of Muslims is not in the lack of money, nor the lack of wealth. Their greatest calamity is the existence of their foolish rulers, who must be restrained and prevented from foolishly disposing of the wealth of Muslims, as they enable the major powers to plunder the wealth of Muslims. They squander what remains of it on their desires, foolishness and stupidity. Nothing returns from that money to Muslims except crumbs, so that Muslims live in their various countries in abject poverty.

So, the real address is to the Muslims to realize their vital issue, which is the ruling of Islam, their unification in one political entity, the recovery of their plundered wealth, and getting rid of these rulers, the ignorant ones, who care only about preserving their crooked thrones, serving their masters, implementing the projects and plans of their masters to prevent the Ummah from its revival.

The correct ideology, strategic position and enormous wealth that the Islamic Ummah possesses, all of that enables the Ummah to establish a great state, a Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of the Prophethood, which establishes the Shariah law of Allah (swt), pleases its Lord, and carries Islam as a risaalah (message) of guidance and light to all people, bringing them out of darkness into light, and returning the looted wealth to its people, thus eliminating poverty from the lands of the Muslims. Hizb ut Tahrir is the leader of this project. It is the pioneering guide who does not lie to the people. So let the Ummah take the initiative to grant its leadership to Hizb ut Tahrir instead of to the follies and foolishness of the current rulers.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Khalifa Muhammad – Wilayah Jordan

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